divendres, 30 de gener del 2015

YPG presenta balanç del setge de Kobanê

Les Yekîneyên Parastinê Gel (Unitats de Defensa Popular, YPG) han fet públic el balanç militar del setge de Kobanê. Ho han fet en una roda de premsa conjunta amb els peshmerga i Burkan al-Firat.

Els portaveus de les forces kurdes han estat el comandant d'YPG Mahmut Berxwedan,
el portaveu oficial de les forces peshmerga a Kobanê Kawa Miray i Ebu İsa, per Burkan al-Firat. El comandant İsa representava a la Brigada Suvar Al Raqqa que es va retirar d'ar-Raqqà quan aquesta fou ocupada per l'Islamic State (IS, Estat Islàmic). Amb ell hi havia representants de dues brigades més de Burkan al-Firat: la Brigada que es van unir sota Burkan Al Firat, i representants de la brigada Fecr Al Huriye.

El balanç de la batalla del setge de Kobanê durant quatre mesos ha estat:

- Es van dur a terme 220 accions de defensa i d'altres 98 amb resultats no determinats,

- IS, per la seva part, va realitzar 37 atacs amb cotxe bomba dels que 19 foren atacs suïcides, van perdre 3.710 membres dels seus membres; d'aquests van ser capturats 316 cadàvers,

- YPG ha danyat 87 vehicles, 5 vehicles blindats i 2 panzers, van volar 16 tancs, van destruïr 8 armes antiaèries,

- 408 combatents de les YPG / YPJ, 13 de Suvar Al Raqqa, 2 de Shems al Shamal, 2 d'organitzacions d'esquerra turca i un peshmerga han perdut la vida en la batalla Kobanê. Això totalitza 425 caiguts. No es van donar xifres de les persones ferides ni dels civils morts.

Foto: DIHA

The balance sheet of Kobanê battle for four months has been announced in a joint press meeting by YPG, Peshmerga and Burkan Al Fırat representatives.

The joint press conference was attended by YPG Commander Mahmut Berxwedan, Kawa Miray as the official spokesman of peshmerga forces in Kobanê, Ebu İsa, Commander of Suvar Al Raqqa Brigade which united under Burkan Al Fırat, and representatives of Shems Al Shamal affiliated to Fecr Al Huriye brigade.

Speaking here, YPG Commander Mahmut Berxwedan extended their thanks to everyone who provided support against the attacks of ISIS gangs, describing the Kobanê battle as a universal resistance defending humanity and free society. Berxwedan said everyone who joined this resistance had a share in victory, stressing that their operations will continue ceaselessly until Kobanê Canton is entirely cleansed of ISIS gangs.

YPG Commander emphasised that victory has been attained owing to the freedom fighters who lost their lives in Kobanê resistance, adding: "bowing respectfully before the memory of all the martyrs, we reiterate our promise to follow in their path."

Speaking after, Kawa Miray, the official spokesman of peshmerga forces in Kobanê, said that: “Kobanê has been cleansed of gangs thanks to the unity manifested. As peshmerga fighters, we present this victory to South Kurdistan government, Kurdish people and the people of Kobanê.”

Suvar Al Raqqa Brigade Commander Ebu İsa on behalf of Burkan Al Fırat pointed out that victory has been achieved thanks to the unity of Kurdish, Arab and other peoples. The liberation of Kobanê has been the beginning of the clearing the entire region of ISIS gangs, he said, adding: “We promise the God and everyone that we will protect all the peoples and all the oppressed. We call on all our citizens to not to listen the ISIS which is a savage organization created to kill. Victory is close and we promise the peoples of Kurdistan and Syria that we are going to defend them.”

Following the speeches, YPG Kobanê Command Official Spokesperson Soreş Hesen announced the balance sheet of Kobanê battle for four months. Accordingly;

- Forces of defense carried out 220 actions and 98 others with unascertained results, as well as 37 suicide bomb attacks,

- ISIS gangs carried out 19 suicide attacks, lost 3710 members of theirs, corpses of 316 were seized by YPG,

- YPG damaged 87 vehicles, 5 hammer vehicles and 2 panzers, blew up 16 tanks, destroyed 8 dochka anti-aircraft weapons,

- 408 fighters of YPG/YPJ, 13 of Suvar Al Raqqa, 2 of Shems al Shamal, 2 of Turkish left-wing organizations and one of peshmerga have lost their lives in the Kobanê battle. - See more at: http://www.bestanuce1.com/haber/167745/ypg-releases-4-month-kobane-battle&dil=en#sthash.WIblsNEF.dpuf
The balance sheet of Kobanê battle for four months has been announced in a joint press meeting by YPG, Peshmerga and Burkan Al Fırat representatives.

The joint press conference was attended by YPG Commander Mahmut Berxwedan, Kawa Miray as the official spokesman of peshmerga forces in Kobanê, Ebu İsa, Commander of Suvar Al Raqqa Brigade which united under Burkan Al Fırat, and representatives of Shems Al Shamal affiliated to Fecr Al Huriye brigade.

Speaking here, YPG Commander Mahmut Berxwedan extended their thanks to everyone who provided support against the attacks of ISIS gangs, describing the Kobanê battle as a universal resistance defending humanity and free society. Berxwedan said everyone who joined this resistance had a share in victory, stressing that their operations will continue ceaselessly until Kobanê Canton is entirely cleansed of ISIS gangs.

YPG Commander emphasised that victory has been attained owing to the freedom fighters who lost their lives in Kobanê resistance, adding: "bowing respectfully before the memory of all the martyrs, we reiterate our promise to follow in their path."

Speaking after, Kawa Miray, the official spokesman of peshmerga forces in Kobanê, said that: “Kobanê has been cleansed of gangs thanks to the unity manifested. As peshmerga fighters, we present this victory to South Kurdistan government, Kurdish people and the people of Kobanê.”

Suvar Al Raqqa Brigade Commander Ebu İsa on behalf of Burkan Al Fırat pointed out that victory has been achieved thanks to the unity of Kurdish, Arab and other peoples. The liberation of Kobanê has been the beginning of the clearing the entire region of ISIS gangs, he said, adding: “We promise the God and everyone that we will protect all the peoples and all the oppressed. We call on all our citizens to not to listen the ISIS which is a savage organization created to kill. Victory is close and we promise the peoples of Kurdistan and Syria that we are going to defend them.”

Following the speeches, YPG Kobanê Command Official Spokesperson Soreş Hesen announced the balance sheet of Kobanê battle for four months. Accordingly;

- Forces of defense carried out 220 actions and 98 others with unascertained results, as well as 37 suicide bomb attacks,

- ISIS gangs carried out 19 suicide attacks, lost 3710 members of theirs, corpses of 316 were seized by YPG,

- YPG damaged 87 vehicles, 5 hammer vehicles and 2 panzers, blew up 16 tanks, destroyed 8 dochka anti-aircraft weapons,

- 408 fighters of YPG/YPJ, 13 of Suvar Al Raqqa, 2 of Shems al Shamal, 2 of Turkish left-wing organizations and one of peshmerga have lost their lives in the Kobanê battle. - See more at: http://www.bestanuce1.com/haber/167745/ypg-releases-4-month-kobane-battle&dil=en#sthash.WIblsNEF.dpuf

5 comentaris:

  • Anònim says:
    30 de gener del 2015, a les 17:39

    Els "37 atacs amb bombes suïcides" els han fet les YPG/YPJ (o altres forces kurdes)? Les "bombes suïcides" són com les immolacions que duen a terme els jihadistes?


  • KurdisCat says:
    30 de gener del 2015, a les 18:26

    Només hi ha hagut un atac suïcida per part kurda (Arîn Mîrkan d'YPJ). Tens raó i el text en anglès estava mal redactat i hem anat al turc que queda més clar. Eren 37 cotxes bomba d'IS: "Yapılan eylem sayısı 220, sonuçları net olmayan eylemlerin sayısı 98, saldırı yapan bomba yüklü araç sayısı 37, DAİŞ çetelerinin yaptığı intihar saldırısı 19, çetelerin savaşta verdiği ölü sayısı 3 bin 710, YPG elinde kalan çete cenaze sayısı 316, YPG tarafından tahrip edilen araç sayısı 87, patlatılan tank sayısı 16, tahrip edilen doçka sayısı 8, tahrip edilen Hummer askeri araç sayısı 5, tahrip edilen panzer sayısı 2." Ho hem canviat. El moviment kurd sí que havia realitzat atacs suïcides els anys 90 no els dels jihadistes. Gràcies per avisar de que no quedava clar.

  • KurdisCat says:
    30 de gener del 2015, a les 18:27

    Només hi ha hagut un atac suïcida per part kurda (Arîn Mîrkan d'YPJ). Tens raó i el text en anglès estava mal redactat i hem anat al turc que queda més clar. Eren 37 cotxes bomba d'IS: "Yapılan eylem sayısı 220, sonuçları net olmayan eylemlerin sayısı 98, saldırı yapan bomba yüklü araç sayısı 37, DAİŞ çetelerinin yaptığı intihar saldırısı 19, çetelerin savaşta verdiği ölü sayısı 3 bin 710, YPG elinde kalan çete cenaze sayısı 316, YPG tarafından tahrip edilen araç sayısı 87, patlatılan tank sayısı 16, tahrip edilen doçka sayısı 8, tahrip edilen Hummer askeri araç sayısı 5, tahrip edilen panzer sayısı 2." Ho hem canviat. El moviment kurd sí que havia realitzat atacs suïcides els anys 90 no els dels jihadistes. Gràcies per avisar de que no quedava clar.

  • Anònim says:
    30 de gener del 2015, a les 22:09

    D'acord! És que tot i que no en tenia molta idea m'ha sobtat. Sí, conec el cas d'Arîn Mîrkan, i no té res a veure amb les immolacions jihadistes.

    Moltes gràcies a vosaltres per aquesta feinada imprescindible que feis, és de gran ajuda pels que ens començam a interessar pel que passa a Rojava i al Kurdistan en general. De veres, sou de gran ajuda per entendre la complexitat d'aquesta nació i dels conflictes de la regió.

    Salutacions des de Mallorca!

  • KurdisCat says:
    31 de gener del 2015, a les 15:37

    Moltes gràcies a tu per les teves paraules. Compensa l'esforç. De debò.

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